School District Name
City of School District
State of School District
County of School District
Country of School District
Total Number of Enrolled Students in School/District
Total Number of Staff Members in the School/District (Full & Part-time)
Total Number of Staff Members Who are Teachers
Contact First & Last Name
Contact Email Address
Contact Telephone Number
Please provide a telephone number at which we can reach you if we have questions.
Contact Role/Relationship to School/District
Please select all that apply if multiple.
Principal/Head of School
Board Member
IT Administration/Coordination
Administrative Staff/Office
Business Office
Human Resources
Instructional Staff
Other School Staff
Past Student/Alumni
Current Student
If you checked "Other" or would like to explain your role in more detail, please describe your relationship to the School/District in the space below.
(skip if not applicable)
On average, how many pages are there in each of your employee's personnel folders?
If you are interested in converting paper personnel folders to digital personnel folders, approximately how many employee folders will you need to convert? Please include retired/past employees in this count if you want to convert all of your legacy HR files.
What SchoolFront HR modules would you like us to include in this quote?
Employee Personnel Folders
Non-Teacher Employee Evaluation
Employee Salary Adjustment
Employee Benefit Online Enrollment
Employee Professional Development
NYS Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)
Employee Process Forms (General Digital Forms)
Employee Recruiting & Applicant Tracking
Employee Self-Service Portal
Employee Attendance / Timekeeping
Does the School/District have an existing system (or systems) from which data must be transfered to and replaced by SchoolFront?
Whether or not you plan to port data from them, if you have one or more existing information systems, what are they? Please briefly describe the purpose of each system listed.
(skip if not applicable)
If you do not have any existing information systems, how is school information like employee records currently managed?
(skip if not applicable)
Do you need the quoted system (SchoolFront) to integrate with any other information system(s)?
If you want the quoted system (SchoolFront) to integrate with one or more other information systems, which one(s)? Please briefly describe the nature of the integration(s). i.e. what type of information will be shared between systems and what critical business processes are supported by the required integration(s)?
(skip if not applicable)
If you are required to produce standard government reports, please briefly describe those reports below. Of particular importance is the number of reports required.
(skip if not applicable)
Not including government reports, if you need any operational reports that are critical to your school/district, please briefly describe those reports below. e.g. How many reports? Do they have graphics or are they just tables of data? Are there calculations? How do you produce the reports now? etc.
(skip if not applicable)
If you are requesting a quote for more than one module, please specify the priorities for deployment including which module you want to implement first.
(skip if not applicable)
On what date would you like to begin preparing the system for usage by your district?
(e.g. importing employee data, configuring authentication and customized system processes, etc.)
On what date do you want district staff to officially begin using the new system for day-to-day operations management?
Are you comfortable with remotely-delivered live instructor-led training for your school staff members over Skype or a similar web-meeting system?
If you are not comfortable with remotely-delivered training or are unsure, please describe how you would prefer to have your staff trained and identify your concerns with remote training. Are there any circumstances under which you believe remote training could actually work?
(skip if you said you were comfortable with remotely-delivered training)
Is there any other information that you would like us know as we quote SchoolFront services and licensing for your School/District's unique needs?
(skip if not applicable)
How did you find out about SchoolFront, RecruitFront, and/or FrontEdge?
Google Search
Other Search
Referred by a Customer
NYASPA Conference
NYSASBO Conference
NAIS Conference
Other Source
Please provide details about how you found out about SchoolFront, RecruitFront, and/or FrontEdge below.
(skip if not applicable)